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Warrensburg Elementary School

Welcome to the Warrensburg Elementary School, home to students in grades Pre-K through 6. Located at 1 James Street, Warrensburg, the Elementary School mantra is "Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful."

Warrensburg Elementary School

The Warrensburg Elementary School is home to students in grades UPK-6, we educate over 300 students annually. The elementary school is located at 1 James Street, Warrensburg NY, just around the corner from The Richard’s Library.

During the school year, WCSD participates in the Community Eligibility Provision program, which provides no-cost meals to all students. CEP is a federal provision that allows qualifying schools to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students.

Our Pupil Personnel Services and Counseling Services provide guidance and extra help for students. Warrensburg CSD offers full-day pre-kindergarten and kindergarten to eligible students. Learn more about enrolling students here.

Message From the Principal

At Warrensburg Elementary School, we believe that all students should have opportunities to thrive and reach their full potential. Our school is supported by dedicated teachers, staff, counselors, and many others who contribute to a strong educational program encompassing academics, behavioral support, and social-emotional learning. Together, we collaborate to use our collective knowledge to provide students with the best education possible.

We believe that academics, social-emotional learning, and character education are equally important in elementary education. Helping students build strong character—including integrity, empathy, and gratitude—is essential to becoming successful individuals and responsible citizens in our community, country, and world. Our students understand that “Being Safe, Being Respectful, and Being Responsible” is a vital part of being a member of our school community.

The Warrensburg Elementary School offers many opportunities for our students, parents, and community. On this page, you can find out more about our “In The Zone” program, the extracurriculars we offer, our PTSA, our partnership with The Positivity Project, and more.

As a parent, I believe that open lines of communication are essential. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please feel free to contact my office to schedule a time to meet.

Keith LaLone, Elementary School Principal

WES Parent – Student Handbook

Please see the Warrensburg Elementary School Parent-Student Handbook for information about the school, policies, important dates, contact lists, and more.

The Positivity Project

The Positivity Project (P2) empowers students to build positive relationships and become their best selves by focusing on positive psychology’s 24 character strengths, such as bravery, perseverance, integrity, and gratitude. P2 partners with Pre-K–12 schools, providing the resources, training, and strategies to help students understand and apply these strengths. This holistic approach involves students, educators, and families, fostering a positive school culture that supports teaching and learning. Click here to learn more about our partnership.

Clubs and Extracurriculars

Joining clubs and activities at school is a great way to be involved in your school community and develop lifelong interests. Extracurricular activities are key to a well-rounded education. Warrensburg Elementary offers:

  • AIS Math: AIS stands for academic intervention services. Open to students who are looking to strengthen their math skills
  • AIS Reading: AIS stands for academic intervention services. Open to students are looking to strengthen their reading skills
  • Battle of the Books: Each year, America’s Battle of the Books provides a list of books for the local chapters throughout the nation. Students are challenged to read the books on the list to prepare for “Battles”, a full-day tournament or game, in which students’ teams compete against other schools to earn points by answering questions about the books on the book lists
  • Computer Club: Discover the capabilities of computers and play games with other students who share the passion
  • Drama Club: Drama Club introduces students to the elements of acting and drama, working to put a production together throughout the course of the club dates. The club puts on performances for the school community at the end of the year
  • Homework Club: Supportive after-school program designed to help elementary school students complete their homework in a structured environment
  • Jazz Band: This group is for student musicians interested in the jazz genre. Learn to play classical and modern jazz pieces alongside peers who share your passion for jazz
  • In the Zone: “In the Zone" is an after school enrichment program that has been recognized by NYS School Boards Association as a Champions for Kids Award recipient. Students are invited to stay after school to participate in tutoring, educational exercises, after school field trips, hikes, and more
  • Peer Leaders: Peer Leaders play an important role in influencing the school community. They build friendships in the school and serve as role models for our younger students
  • Student Council: The Student Council is a representative government of students that help to make decisions about activities, clubs, assemblies, and other school-wide matters affecting students. Members are actively involved in various events throughout the year and will participate in fundraisers that positively impact the school community
  • Vex Robotics: Students work together to design, code, and build programmable robots that incorporate motors and sensors. This club introduces students to the VEX robotics system that is used in Middle School robotics clubs and competitions
  • Volleyball Club: Whether your child is a beginner or has some experience, Volleyball Club helps students work on their skills

Please contact your guidance counselor for more information on how to get involved with extracurriculars.

PTSA: Parent Teacher Student Association

Our Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is comprised of parents, teachers, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents and other caring adults who share a commitment to improving the education, health and safety of all children. The PTSA meets on the third Thursday of each month. Please reach out to for more information.

Code of Conduct

Students, staff, and visitors to the school grounds are expected to adhere to the WCSD Code of Conduct.

Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

The goal of the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) is to provide students with a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment and bullying. Some of the law requirements include: establishing anti-harassment and discrimination policies, creating school training programs, and including a course in civility, citizenship and character education in the curriculum for every grade level. To view the policies and process for reporting harassment, bullying and discrimination, click here.

Each school in the district has a coordinator who has been trained to respond to issues related to DASA. For concerns relating to DASA in the Elementary School, please get in touch with Christian Bruce (Director of Pupil Personnel Services) or Keith LaLone (Elementary School Principal).

Contact Us

1 James Street, Warrensburg, NY 12885
 (518) 623-9747

Keith LaLone, Elementary School Principal
Phone: (518) 623-9747 Ext.191

Shannon Fish, Elementary School Principal’s Secretary
Phone: (518) 623-9747 Ext. 191

Katy Seeley, Elementary Attendance Clerk
Phone: (518) 623-9747 Ext 197
